Like Reiki, only stronger and faster. 90 minutes This is an energetic cellular massage, balancing of your energy centers, reflexology, and more! Energetic massages are used to induce a state of relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief. Some physical touch is needed. Crystal therapy may also be used in your session. This is a great bonding experience with your family and friends. Book your appointment today! Book a party, recieve a discount!
Quantum Energetic Massage
Energy goes where energy is needed. Allow yourself 60 to 90 minutes for an energetic massage of love, colors, frequencies, and messages from your body, your higherself, and the upper realms. We will perform a energetic balance within your sutle bodies, creating a sense of peace to wash over you. We will work through your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to remove stagnant energy, blocking your flow according to divine will. Treatments help detoxify the body on a cellular level. Stimulate the immune system. Relieve muscle tension and pain. Disolve energy blocks and cords that are nolonger serving your highest good.
Your session will reveal what is in your best interest to release while sending love and forgiveness through time and space of the trauma. We bring awareness to your inner child. During this divine timing. While yes, mediumship is used to gather the information, during this time, love ones attached to this ball of energy, will come to create a release of both parties. The intention behind your session heals on both sides of the veil. It is a beautiful thing to experience generational healing. Sometimes they will stop by and to just shower you with loving energy. This is a beautiful gift to experience for yourself and others.